
I created multiple websites using DreamWeaver and had fun learning about how to create tags. I've never used or heard of DreamWeaver before making websties was a new experience for me and it was very enjoyable. There were times when I got a bit stressed because I was confsued or made a mistake but those mistakes helpd me understand how to use DreamWeaver. Overall, my experience with using DreamWeaver was good and I'd definietly create websites for fun in the future.

Place I Want To Go Website

This was my first website and I think it turned out fairly good considering that I had never made a website before. There were a few mistakes I made, which made me frustrated and I wanted to just give up. However, I kept working on it and learned from my mistakes. After learning from my mistakes, it became easier to work on the website and I started to enjoy creating the website.

People and Flags

This chart is the first table I have made in DreamWeaver! I made this chart following along with my teacher's instructions. At first, the whole process seemed complicated and there were a few steps in the instructions that I didn't understand fully. But after creating the chart and learning the new techniques, it soon became simple. I learned many new skills through this chart. For example, I learned how to change the bluriness, saturation, and color of a background or photo when hovered over.

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